Imagine Learning

May 21, 2024 9:01 am

Making Language Arts Connections

Teachers spend a lot of their own time finding the right resources to connect with every student. We know it’s a time-consuming task, especially with everything else on their plates. High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) lighten the load, helping ensure consistent, engaging lessons while giving teachers back some much-needed time.

High-Quality Instructional Materials in Imagine Learning EL Education

What Are HQIM?

As educators and districts recognize the critical role curriculum plays alongside effective teaching, the focus on HQIM has intensified nationally. A growing body of research points to one thing: instructional materials directly impact student outcomes (Kane et al., 2016). But the reality is, not all teachers have access to HQIM or the professional development and support to implement these resources effectively.|

But what are HQIM? Generally, HQIM are recognized as materials that are aligned to state standards and include evidence-based strategies, inclusive practices, and embedded teacher support.

The Impact of HQIM in ELA

It’s undeniable that reading and writing proficiency is essential in today’s world. But over the last few years, a growing body of research has indicated that students across the US are struggling, with one-third of fourth-graders and a quarter of eighth-graders unable to read at a basic level as of 2019. Since then, results have declined further, and whether a result of post-pandemic learning loss or other factors, it’s clear that if results are to increase, something needs to change.

Study after study shows that the answer may lie in curriculum materials, because students don’t just learn from their teachers, content matters too. In ELA, the use of HQIM is evidenced to accelerate student learning, and when given access to such materials, teachers are less likely to source and create their own materials — a practice that can lead to inconsistent learning across classrooms. But how do districts, schools, and teachers identify HQIM? At Imagine Learning, all of our core programs are designed to deliver key benchmarks for HQIM.

How Does Imagine Learning EL Education Meet Key HQIM Criteria?

Definitions of HQIM vary, but at their core they share vital components. At Imagine Learning, all of our core programs are designed to deliver key benchmarks for HQIM.

1. Standards-Aligned Content

Giving teachers direct access to premium, expertly aligned materials is one of the best ways of ensuring that they can help prepare students for any career path. That’s why Imagine Learning EL Education is carefully designed to hit standards for college and career readiness and life success, teaching and assessing all strands and standards of the Common Core ELA standards at every grade level.

2. Best-Practice Pedagogy

An ELA curriculum rooted in best-practice pedagogy — which involves teaching methods that are widely recognized and supported by scientific evidence as effective — is essential for enhancing literacy outcomes. Imagine Learning EL Education is based on the Science of Reading, which advocates for structured phonics to ensure students can read challenging texts at their grade level and meet literacy objectives.

With our content-based approach to literacy, ELA looks like:

  • Content-focused teaching that deepens engagement and boosts literacy by interlinking reading, writing, and discussion across disciplines
  • Diverse texts that build knowledge, enrich understanding, and advance vocabulary
  • An approach that goes beyond traditional comprehension drills to foster real-world application and a deeper understanding of texts

3. Equity and Inclusion

There’s no doubt about it, literacy is the thread that binds all disciplines together. It’s a crucial skill for success in any discipline or career. That’s why our curriculum is crafted with inclusive practices at its core — so that every student has the tools to thrive.

Experience an ELA program that:

  • Differentiates instruction for students with disabilities and those requiring academic extensions
  • Cultivates a respectful learning environment through peer learning
  • Addresses unique learning needs with diverse supports and resources

4. Teacher and Student Experience

Imagine Learning EL Education’s platform empowers educators to focus more on teaching and less on planning. Rich resources and instructional supports make for streamlined lesson planning, with robust data and reporting tools to tailor instruction to each student’s needs.

Engaging, complex texts based on compelling real-world content are structured to develop literacy skills across grades K–8. Lessons consistently focus on mastering academic standards in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, ensuring comprehensive literacy development. The result? Students who write the narrative of their own learning journeys.

5. Measuring Student Learning

Assessment serves a dual purpose: to empower and motivate students while ensuring they meet rigorous learning standards. Continuous assessment involves setting clear long-term and supporting targets, employing strategies to monitor student progress, and adapting instruction accordingly, ensuring that students aren’t just passive recipients of information but active participants in their educational journey.

Imagine Learning EL Education features:

  • Customizable lessons and assessments for flexibility and personalization
  • Clear long-term and supporting targets
  • Strategies to monitor student progress and inform instruction adaptation

6. Professional Learning

Pedagogical strategies are constantly evolving — that’s why it’s important for teachers to be supported with robust professional learning opportunities.

Imagine Learning EL Education includes:

  • Ample resources and opportunities for teachers to build on existing expertise
  • Educator support throughout the year from a dedicated customer success manager
  • Sessions that guide teachers as they learn how to implement the curriculum

Discover Imagine Classroom

An innovative portfolio of core curricula designed to inspire inquiry-based learning and deepen student engagement.