What Are Disciplinary Core Ideas?
The foundation of STEM learning
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) represent the big ideas that drive our understanding of science. They are organized into four key areas: Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and Engineering. As students progress, these ideas grow in complexity, enabling them to better comprehend the phenomena around them.
Importantly, DCIs are not taught in isolation but are integrated with Crosscutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices, creating a holistic approach to STEM learning.
DCI posters for the classroom
These free printable posters highlight each Disciplinary Core Idea, helping your students grasp key scientific concepts and build a deeper understanding of how the world works.

Experience the difference with 3-D learning
It’s easy to hit all three dimensions of 3-D learning with Twig Science — the robust, NGSS-aligned science program for K–8. Through phenomena-based exploration, students seamlessly integrate Crosscutting Concepts, Science and Engineering Practices, and Disciplinary Core Ideas, gaining a deeper, interconnected understanding of science.