What Are Science and Engineering Practices?
Designed to be taught in a real-world context
Science and engineering practices (SEPs) are a key part of 3-D learning. These practices mirror the skills that scientists and engineers use every day — like modeling, explaining complex ideas, and engaging in critique or evaluating evidence.
SEPs require students to learn by doing and discovering information themselves rather than simply receiving it. This process builds essential critical thinking and problem-solving skills that apply across all STEM subjects.
SEP posters for the classroom
Download our free printable posters to remind your students that Science and Engineering Practices are an important part of the process of scientific investigations.

Experience the difference with 3-D learning
It’s easy to hit all three dimensions of 3-D learning with Twig Science — the robust, NGSS-aligned science program for K–8. Through phenomena-based exploration, students seamlessly integrate Crosscutting Concepts, Science and Engineering Practices, and Disciplinary Core Ideas, gaining a deeper, interconnected understanding of science.