Imagine Edgenuity & Imagine EdgeEX

Reorder Content in Imagine EdgeEX

Imagine EdgeEX educators can now reorder course content at the district, school, and section levels and apply the changes to all active sections and enrollments, giving them the ability to adjust courses throughout the semester even after students have already begun working. Individual enrollments can also now be reordered in-flight.  

Educator Commenting Enhancement in Imagine EdgeEX

Educator commenting has been enhanced and now allows for the ability to style text via Rich Text Format (RTF) tools and to include emojis that the student will see when they read the comment. This enhancement supports special characters for world languages, math and science formatting for STEM courses, and bullets and tables to provide targeted reteaching for students. 

Password Changes for Imagine Edgenuity

To improve security, we have updated our password parameters for new users. Please visit our Help Center for more information on our new password guidelines.

Summer Camp Session Windows

Interested in offering fun summer camps in STEM, art, music, and languages to your students? Our K–8 camps begin in June and run through August. Check the session windows below — if students are interested in joining more than one summer camp, they can! 

image of Summer Offerings flyer

Camp Windows:

  • June 10–June 28 
  • June 24–July 12 
  • July 8–July 26 
  • July 22–August 9 

Instructional Services Logic Model 

Our certified teaching services offer standards-aligned courses paired with highly qualified state-certified instructors. Learn more about how our model works, the additional support available to students (including on-demand tutoring and exceptional education coordination), and the outcomes your district can expect by partnering with us.  

Imagine Language & Literacy

Support Multilingual Learners

Did you know that multilingual learners are the fastest growing student population in K–12 schools? Imagine Language & Literacy does more to support multilingual learners than any other product on the market. Students have increased their academic achievement with all these accessible features.

Imagine Espanol Character

Continuing the 20th anniversary celebration — contest winners and refreshed content! 

A HUGE congratulations to the winners of our 20 hours of usage contest! These classrooms had at least 10 students who completed 20 hours of usage by February 29 and were randomly chosen to receive a classroom makeover. One classroom from each of the following schools was chosen: 

  • Bay Crest Elementary, Hillsborough County Public Schools, FL 
  • E.C. Mason Elementary, Alvin ISD, TX 
  • Bridge Elementary, UT 

The refreshed content just keeps coming!

Two more activities have been given an update: Name that Word and Camp Mazels. We love the updated look and the characters that intertwine throughout the activities. 

Imagine Language and Literacy Mazel Characters

Imagine Español

Create a Research-Backed Dual Language Program

Looking to implement a dual language program or support your existing program? See the evidence for effectiveness of our dual language solutions, Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español. Learn more about how the two adaptive programs can work together to create an evidence-based, authentic dual language solution for your PreK–5 students that is grounded in the 3 pillars of dual language education. 

Image of Imagine Espanol Study cover

Imagine MyPath

From Gaps to Growth: Imagine MyPath by the Numbers

In partnership with Johns Hopkins University, Imagine Learning’s Efficacy Research Team recently completed a new ESSA Tier 3 qualifying study for Imagine MyPath Math. 

Kindergarten students who used Imagine MyPath achieved higher NWEA MAP Growth math scores than students who did not use Imagine MyPath 

Students who completed more lessons in the Imagine MyPath program achieved higher NWEA MAP Growth math and reading scores 

83.3% of surveyed teachers believed that Imagine MyPath improved students’ reading and math skills 

Feature Spotlight: Assignment Builder

Are you using the Assignment Builder in Imagine MyPath? This powerful tool allows you to:  

  • Explore available lessons and printable teaching resources that support individual, small-group, and whole-class instruction 
  • Preview age-appropriate content delivered automatically to your students in their individual learning paths — search by subject, skill, or grade 
  • Assign learning resources to your students for additional practice, measuring proficiency, and reteaching 
Image of Imagine Espanol Study cover

Coming Soon

Coming to Assignment Builder — nearly 1000 K–8 pre-built formative assessments! 


  • Aligned to all 50 states 
  • Searchable by subject, grade, state standard, and keyword 
  • Assign formatives to individual students or groups 
  • Automatic scoring and reporting 
Image of Imagine Espanol Study cover

Get pre-release access to the formative assessments now by joining the MyPath Formative Assessment Beta Program!  

Important Update About Student Passwords

As of March 5, student passwords no longer appear anywhere in the Imagine Math or Imagine Math Facts solutions to align with best-practice security measures around protecting student data. Educators continue to be able to update student passwords from the student’s account page. Learn more about this important security update in the Imagine Math Help Center. 

Instructional Grade Level Ranges for Grades 3+

This comprehensive Help Center article, Viewing the Benchmark Report in Imagine Math, has been updated to include the instructional grade level designation chart. 

Also, note important information about Quantile-based student performance levels on benchmark tests, which may be specific to your state.

Imagine Math students on the news

Improving the efficacy of your supplemental math implementation

To help support the health of your Imagine Math and Imagine Math Facts implementations and recognize the most return on your investment in these two programs, we continue to update and enhance our Help Center with actionable ideas.

Take a look at these recent Help Center improvements: 

Imagine Robotify

Important update: email address and password requirement changes coming April 1

Starting April 1, you’ll be prompted to enter your email address and password to log into your account. Please review your profile settings to ensure your current email is up to date and make any necessary changes by March 31, 2024.

NEW! Re-released “SRVO’s Drone Park” course

Exciting news! “SRVO’s Drone Park” was released on March 14. This is a refresh of one of our original courses, “Drone Park.” This course update features an all-new 3D design and improved educator resources (including worksheets, vocabulary, extension activities, and more). Instructional content has not changed, so students working on the course still have access to the same lessons. This course is short at only 15-30 minutes per lesson, so it is the perfect summer school or “Hour of Code” activity. You can find these resources in Educator Resources under Educator Home.

Imagine Robotify Badges

Usage report improvements

To maximize the usability of the Imagine Robotify usage report, we have implemented various improvements: better filters, the ability to run the report for multiple classrooms at once, label changes to the axes of the graphs, and the ability to name the report with a custom title and save it to your own computer.

Improving the efficacy of your Imagine Robotify implementation

To help support the health of your Imagine Robotify implementation and recognize the most return on your investment in this supplemental computer science program, we continue to update and enhance our Help Center with actionable ideas.

Take a look at these recent Help Center improvements: 

Twig Science

Twig Science educator slides

Twig Science Elementary — Teacher Dashboard Improvements 

We’ve made changes to the scrolling grade display to improve tablet and mobile phone usability. Teachers can now easily navigate to their chosen grade on all devices. 

Twig Science Middle School — Lesson Assignment and Help Center Updates

Lessons can now be assigned or shared to multiple classes at once from the Lesson Explorer, making lesson and assignment management more seamless and efficient. 

Check out a new Help Center article that includes videos and step-by-step instructions for managing sessions and lessons in your Twig Science Middle School program 

Twig Science Pacing GUide

What are the password requirements for Imagine Edgenuity accounts?

To improve security, Imagine Edgenuity is updating our password strength requirements for new users beginning March 18, 2024.

  • Password requirements for educators and students: 
    • Passwords are case sensitive 
    • All characters are allowed 
    • Maximum number of characters: 64 
    • Minimum number of characters: 
      • Student accounts: 6 
      • Educator accounts: 8 

How can I assign pathways in Imagine Math 3+? 

Educators can assign additional pathways and switch a student’s pathway. Please visit this Help Center article to learn more about this process. 

In Imagine MyPath, how can a teacher access guided notes for a lesson?

Guided notes are available for grades 6–12. Teachers can access these by selecting the student then the lesson from their Class Summary page. To learn more about this process please visit this help center article. 

What are the Check Your Readiness assessments in IL Classroom?

Each unit begins with a pre-unit diagnostic assessment that is titled “Check Your Readiness.” Most of the problems address prerequisite concepts and skills for the unit. Teachers can use the results to identify students with below-grade needs or topics to carefully address during the unit.

What types of assessments are available in Twig Science? 

Twig has five different assessment types, both formative and summative:

  • Benchmark assessments 
  • Multiple-choice assessments 
  • Pre-explorations 
  • Formative assessments 
  • Performance tasks